Hey sweets!
Today we're going to learn how to knit with cadavers!
Altho I can't still reveal who or what "Meat" is, just know that he'll bring a lot of spooks in the series!
He's also one of the characters that posses a "portrait" (I'll explain this portrait thing in the next entries)
Similarly to Aconitum, his first iteration came close to what I portrayed in the concept art,
but just not enough
(you can briefly see him in the very first teaser)
However I still felt that there was something off about him
so I tried to do an unsuccessful redesign
The new beefed up version didn't really resonate with the character, and applying the original mask design
over it didn't really work out that well (you will discover why in the future)
So I took a step back and remodelled him from zero following his old appearance
I really like how he came out this time as he actually looks like a human-shaped agonizing mess that really wants to tear you apart!
Stay tuned for tomorrow's entry to meet with "N. of the house of Hartekastell"